Friday, March 29, 2019

Sherlock Holmes

I absolutely love Sherlock Holmes, both the TV show and the collection of shorts by Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock is an intriguing character no matter how he's portrayed. In the original, by Doyle, he's quite charismatic and he's active. He's a genius, as we all know, and we adore him even now, decades after he was first created. I think this is because he's got something we all wish we had; genius and an interesting life to boot. His feats amaze us and we strive to match his intelligence. This draws us in and is why we continue to love Holmes and Watson years longer than many other pieces of literature. They're (Sherlock and John) relationship is amusing on the worst of days and an absolute emotional rollercoaster on the best of days, which attaches us to the characters even more. I have to say, though, Moriarty is my favorite. He's just so fun to read about or to watch. That's going to be all for now, here are some pictures for your troubles:
Image result for Moriarty crown quoteRelated image

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

If I had to choose a Writing Career

I think, if I couldn't simply be an author, I would be an English teacher. I have had many good English teachers in my life but many more bad ones so I want to try and even the odds a tiny bit.

A. What is the job?
Typical responsibilities of the job include planning, preparing and delivering lessons, preparing teaching materials, helping pupils improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills via individual and group sessions, checking and assessing pupils' work, organizing and running specialist courses, and attending social events.

B. What is the median (average) salary for the job?

C. What education and/or requirements are needed to get the job?
Every state requires that public school teachers be licensed by completing education requirements and passing examinations. A bachelor's degree is the minimum requirement for licensure. Elementary teachers hold bachelor's degrees in education, while high school teachers have degrees in a subject area.


Image result for hemingway: The snows of kilimanjaro and other stories
I liked Hemingway's writing style and I like the two stories "A Day's Wait" and "A Clean, Well-lighted Place". I like "A Day's Wait" because it's entertaining and the twist at the end is rather humorous. It was about a young boy who thought he was going to die because of a misunderstanding with Celsius and Fahrenheit. A like "A Clean, Well-lighted Place" because it was dark and gloomy, exactly my style. It was pretty much about drinking away your regrets.

I didn't like "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" because it was boring and lacked any real conflict or mystery. Or maybe I just don't remember well but then again, that means I find it forgettable. I seem to remember it was about a guy dying on a mountain talking with his wife.

I don't really know what else to put in here about Hemingway so I'm gonna just leave it here. See ya.

Monday, March 4, 2019


What is keeping you from focusing on your work? 
Keeping up with webcomic or fanfictions or trying to finish tv series, most notably Merlin, NCIS, Supernatural, and Stargate: Sg-1.

How might you overcome procrastination issues?
Give myself concrete, unflexible (non-flexible?) deadlines. Plan ahead of time, lay out what I'm going to write, keep my resolution in sight. I have a problem with letting my stories grow out of my control, which eventually leads to me dropping them. If I keep my story resolutions firm and in sight, hopefully that will stop them from getting out of control.

How might you manage your time better?
I could give myself a schedule to work on and stop myself from wasting full days binge-watching shows (I'm looking at you, Merlin). Keeping myself to that schedule, however, may be difficult.